Wednesday 18 May 2011

First post >> I hate christians sooo much

I am Shylock,a Jew, from young i have been constantly bullied,insulted and called several nicknames such as 'cut-throat dog' and other names so bad i do not want to try to recall it. Christians claim they are 'peace-loving' and will have their 'Jesus' save the world. But I think they are just a bunch of hypocrites who do not think before they act. they did not think how it would affect me, their attitude sickens me.I wish they could see how they acted against me from my own perspective that should sober their nasty minds up a bit. There is more to me then what meets the eye, there is another side of me, if only they knew...
I laugh when i am happy,
I cry when i am sad,
I sleep when i am tired.
Am I not the same as them, am i not human.
If only they could see another side of me.

Sixth(Last) Post >> NO!!! My plan has backfired.

Damn that Antonio,his lawyer and whoever was in cahoots with him. I was so close to claiming his life when that dratted lawyer had to interfere.NO. I have lost everything i had,my daughter, most of my money,my dignity,my pride and even my religion, No....No...No....i fell like I'm losing my grip on the world around me i wish i had never done this,do I? No...I have lost everything dear to me. I have just lost grip on everything i fell a mess. Like nothing matters anymore.My 'baby', the money has gone,my religion is rejected and denied from me, I don't care, nothing matters anymore.I'll just let this darkness,this world envelop me ,take all you want as I just ,don't,can't care anymore.

Fifth post >> Good News.

At last, the time for my revenge has come, to Antonio, and to all those christians, who stole my daughter, my dignity and insulted me from a young age. At the Rialto, i have heard news that Antonio's boats have meet with trouble and have sank to the bottom of the merciless ocean. That means i have the upper hand in the bargain, a pound of flesh from whichever part of Antonio's body i choose from.HAHAHA. My wish has come true.I will  get rid of that filthy Antonio even if i means i have to be evil,as being evil is easy as falling asleep atop a soft bed laden with silken cover,the satisfaction and that out-worldly feeling i cannot describe, i will be evil if it means the chance to kill Antonio.

Fourth Post >> That christian Antonio has guts.

One of my arch-nemesis, Antonio, actually  has the guts to ask me for money and three hundred ducats at that, all for his 'friend', Bassanio . After all those insults and remarks, he actually has the nerve to ask me his focus of torture for money.HAHAHA...i think i will refusehm and put him on the spot with harsh words.....but wait. His ships are at sea and their future unknown. It could be a piate raid, a tidal wav or maybe even an accident at sea with all those dangerous hidden rocks. I think i will take him up on his offer and as a price to pay should his money, his goods on the boats do not return on time,then i shall take a pound of flesh from whichever part of his body i choose from and  in the process, claim his life. Should his boats return i will at least have made profit to my benefit. Yes that shall be my revenge.

Third Post >> How i feel right now.

This song really represnets how I am really feel right now.
I had a really bad day with what no customers for a while, 
and jessica, my daughter seems to be meeting a christian man 
as what i have heard through rumours but i will try to believe in her for the time being.
I do not believe  any daughter of mine would betray me like that.
I really love Jessica but what needs to be done ,needs to be done for her own sake.
Hopefully one day, someone will 'save me' from the horrid 'thunderstorm' like in the video
and turn my day around.

Second Post >>How i look like.

How do i look i think i am fine looking.
With a fine beard to go with my face.
Such a pity those hypocrites has no sense of taste whatsoever,
as they like to spit upon my jewish gaberdine and insult me.
Sometimes, i really wonder what exactly we are fighting for, 
but i will not stand down as long as i and my belief is being insulted.